Log Sided Cabin

Log Cabin

Each of our Log Sided Cabin in Southern Indiana is built one at a time with Amish quality. Financial options are available!

Standard Features:

  • (1) 36″ Man Door
  • (6) 24″x36″ Windows
  • Porch Size: 4′ on 10′ wide & 6′ on 12′ wide
  • Loft Area
  • Roof Style: A-Frame
  • Inside Height: 10′ Peak
Call (812) 989-5984 For A Quote

Log Sided Cabin Pricing

(The prices are subject to a 7% Sales Tax) 

Size Price 36 Month 48 Month
60 Month
10×20 $12,758 $644.32 $531.56 $472.50
12×20 $14,492 $731.93 $603.84 $536.75
12×24 $15,394 $777.48 $641.42 $570.15
12×28 $16,538 $835.23 $689.06 $612.50
12×32 $17,847 $901.36 $743.63 $661.00
12×36 $19,305 $975.00 $804.38 $715.00
12×40 $20,817 $1,051.36 $867.38 $771.00
14×20 $17,681 $892.96 $736.69 $654.84
14×24 $18,781 $948.52 $782.53 $695.58
14×28 $20,176 $1,018.98 $840.66 $747.25
14×32 $21,773 $1,099.66 $907.22 $806.42
14×36 $23,552 $1,189.50 $981.34 $872.30
14×40 $25,397 $1,282.66 $1,058.20 $940.62
16×20 $20,869 $1,053.98 $869.54 $772.92
16×24 $22,167 $1,119.57 $923.64 $821.02
16×28 $23,814 $1,202.73 $992.25 $882.00
16×32 $25,700 $1,297.96 $1,070.82 $951.84
16×36 $27,799 $1,404.00 $1,158.30 $1,029.60
16×40 $29,976 $1,513.96 $1,249.02 $1,110.24