Modern Amish Lean-to Shed


Our Amish Lean-to Sheds in Southern Indiana are crafted individually with Amish precision. We offer flexible financial options to suit your needs.

Standard Features:

  • (3) 10″x48″ Transom Windows
  • Roof Style: Slant
  • Inside Height: 7’6″ to 9’4″
  • Door Size: 57″ Slider

Call us (812) 989-5984  Available Options

Lean-to Shed Pricing

(The prices are subject to a 7% Sales Tax) 

Size Price 36 Month 48 Month
60 Month
10×16 $7,000 $353.54 $291.67 $259.26
10×20 $8,750 $441.92 $364.58 $324.07
10×24 $10,500 $530.30 $437.50 $388.89
10×28 $12,250 $618.69 $510.42 $453.70
10×32 $14,000 $707.07 $583.33 $518.52
10×36 $15,750 $795.45 $656.25 $583.33
10×40 $17,500 $883.84 $729.17 $648.15